Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Are gypsies really like the ones shown on "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding"?

I worked with Travellers and I found that most had a negative opinion of the show and thought it was a complete exaggeration. I think so too, of the Travellers I've met they are a diverse bunch of people this is a grotesque charicature based on what the settle Irish community perceive Travellers to be like They were especially infuriated by the grabbing in the show. I don't know how anyone could conclude the 'feedback was generally positive' because thats just not true. If you even listen to the show you can see that its tongue and cheek documentary that exaggerates eccentricities and presents a loft of falsehoods. Try the 'Truth about the Travellers' which is more accurate. Travellers are similar to gypsies insofar as they are a nomadic culture, although that is dying out because Private Property and Road Traffic laws prevent peoples setting down where they want.

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