Friday, August 12, 2011

Losing Weight/Stretch Marks/ Help Please ... (lose weight)?

spice it up. spices will boast metabolism naturally. eat often women need to eats every 3 hours to keep their metabolisms from slowing down and men 5, but i suggest 3 also for men. i was in a similar position to you and lost nearly 2 stone. sleep is key your metabolism will not slow down in your sleep. APPLES contain pectin which make it harder for fat the be stored. don't eat transfat they're a killer. try to eat 5 fruit or veg of 5 different colours. and obviously exercise. cadio burns more during the exercise but weight burn more after training as any form of exercise boasts metabolism and your metabolism gradually goes back to normal. hope this helps.Your actual stomach muscles are underneath fat therefore you need to do cardiovascular training to get rid of 2/3 of the fat then you can introduce muscles exercise to have a good 6-pack i was 16 when i lost nearly 2 stone. just gone 17 and doing my diet again to lose another 7-14lbs. haven't gained weight and the gap between me finishing round 1 and starting round 2 was about 6 months

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