Saturday, August 6, 2011

Help! my mom just punched me repeatedly?

iim a girl that just turned 13. im doing a summer math program, today my mom kept interrupting me, i told her to stop. my dad took my stuff away. theen my dad started telling me to shut the **** up aand threatened to hit in the past my dad strangled me when i was 8. and has done so two more times recently. he never lets me go over my friend's houses in fear ill tell them all the things hes done to me' though i have the scars to prove it. a few scars on my arms due to me cutting myself from his vicious name calling, scars on my thighs, my nightmares of hiim murdering me, and my stacks of songs, stories, and poems of girls that are abused too. few days ago iwas locked up in my room luckily my wii has internet. but i cant call people.. my dad has brainwashed me into not calling the police, but im tired of being treated like a parakeet. my dad showers me with love. but im starting to think its to just get me to shut up. help! also dont tell me about my mom shes punched me, pulled my hair, and beats me. My mom has also punched me in the back and several times in the arms just now just for saying "leave me alone!" my spine hurts alot and it hurts to breathe. I normally don't spend time with my parents, I normally spend alot of time online, talking to internet friends is there any way I can report them without getting taken away? I fear if I get taken away, I'll be no longer able to talk to them, also, will I have my phone so I can atleast talk to some of them?

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