Sunday, August 7, 2011

Horse show horrors?......................…

Anyone want to share some horse show horror stories? I just went to a show and everything that could go wrong did, and it would be amusing to hear some of your stories! so at mine my normally hard to handle but controlable horse wen NUTS he bucked even at the walk (nothing was wrong with back/teeth/bit/saddle) he was just excited, I twisted my ankle cantering (lost my stirrup in an odd way and twisted it) my horse spook and scrambled back into a group of young girls on ponies (he's a kicker also) thankfully no one was hurt, and he got mad when his haybag went empty so he left 20 6 inch teeth marks on my trainers BRAND NEW 3 horse trailer w/ dressing and tack room. he just decided to run his teeth down over it again and again, (we were collecting ribbons though so we wernt their to stop him) he also pawed a foot deep hole. anything like this happen to you guys?

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