Friday, August 12, 2011

Is Mexico Safe for Travellers?

I was invited for a family wedding in a town in Mexico. With the situation in Ciudad Juarez, Canadian murdered in Mexico and the gas explosion in a resort, is Mexico safe for travellers???

Mw2 PS3 achievements/ level / guns ?

If anyone would be nice enough to hack me by unlocking the guns and achievements for me it would be appreciated name is Rat-Attack-Tack message me and tell me

Help - Am I becoming a racist?

I don't think you are becoming racist as you're not criticizing them because of their ethnicity it's because of the way you are treated by them. I have also noticed that they do like to get things at an unreasonably low price but i think that's just their culture. They do like to socialize with other indians but i think it's understandable that they'd feel more comfortable that way. I dont't think you're racist.

How much weight would I have to lose for my thighs to stop touching?

I'm 16, 5'5", and somewhere between 130 and 138lbs, a size 6. According to my doc I have a large bone frame. When I stand straight with my feet together my thighs touch for an inch or two near the top. If I stand with my feet two inches apart they don't touch at all. How much weight would I have to lose for them to stop touching? I'd kinda like that before I go to Cancun on the 13th. I eat 500-1000 Calories a day and I've already lost like 85lbs. My thighs have touched as long as I can remember.

Could these symptoms possibly be leukemia or another cancer?

I know none of you are doctors and you cant give me a diagnosis but it would be nice to get the thought of others on what may be wrong. For the past few weeks i have noticed small and large purple bruises on my thighs, mostly on my right side. They didnt start hurting until a few days ago. They fade away and new ones form. They look like capillary bruises to me. And yesterday ive noticed blood in my stool and abnormal vaginal bleeding. Im on the pill and have taken it reguraly for 8 years now and have not missed a pill in over a year. Please help.

How to lose weight fast?

If you are a figure skater and female then you naturally will hold more fat in your thighs and hips. Look at all of the professional figure skaters! Don't try to lose it--it is naturally way healthier for you! If you exercise so much but don't eat enough you are going to get very sick and faint and end up in the hospital with lifelong problems. This is the important time of your life when you're growing, don't harm yourself!!

Is it possible to take some silver/gold bar to india back from china...?

hi i came to china as a tour for 25 days when i go back to my country india is it possible to take some silver/gold bar to india back from china...? if so how much shall i take.... i have read the document in that for import we have to stay abroad more than 30 days... i am very much confused... please any one clarrify my doubt

How to covince your parents to buy you a horse?

I have been riding (barn lesson horses) for 9 years, and I really want to go to this boarding school in Alabama, Montverde Academy, they are totally fine with that, but I asked for a horse and they totally flipped! They yelled at me because they dont have enough money, but my mom is giving me mixed signals....she talks to my trainer about buying tack (obviously, makes me thing about getting a horse) and I ask her about it and again, yells at me for not enough money, she even bought me a whole grooming set with a halter and lead rope and bridle for X-mas. Still... no horse? I'm so confused so I talked to her about it and she said if I pay for half of boarding and all of the food, then I can get a horse.. but every time I talk to her about it she gets mad? I'm so confused. Please help me convince my mom!

Exercises to tone, get thinner thighs quick?

i usually go to the gym and leg press, if im not at the gym i do squat, running, and an exercise my teacher calls booty burners, it helps with your booty as you can tell and thighs

Do i sound like i look trashy?

im 16, im a hipster and kindof indie looking but i dress very feminine. i have my lip pierced, my tragus, second and third holes,size 2 gauges in my first ear holes, my belly button pierced, a wrist tattoo that says "vivus" it means alove in latin. and on thursday im getting another tattoo either on my ribcage, shoulder, or thigh, that's a quote that says "my mind's not a well, it won't run dry" and im getting doves around the word on my wrist for my dad, who passed away. do i sound trashy looking? im just asking because people on here say girls with tats and piercings are trashy but everyone that knows me doesn't think I am.

Advice for travelling overseas with cameras?

Few tips, get a bag big enough to carry both, take a four plug extension lead and one European adapter to charge your camera batteries you can charge both cameras at once. Make sure you take the SD card out of both camera's so if the camera's are stolen then you still have a copy of the pictures you have taken. Get adequate travel insurance.

Stretch marks, whyy do i have them and how can i get rid of them?

hi so im 14 i weigh around 145 and im 5'7,,ive heard and stuff that 145 is a good weight for my height and stuff but i have strech marks on the inside of my thighs and im getting some on the inside of one calve,,,the ones in my thighs seem to have spread and are kinda dark,, i wanna know why i have them and how i could get rid of them?

Is it okay if I'm touching my best friend a lot, sometimes in intimate ways?

I'm a 16 year old guy, she's a 15 year old girl. I wouldn't mind getting in a relationship with her, but I'd rather not, because it could ruin the friendship afterwards..but I'm a touchy-feely type of guy, so I would like to be touching her a lot, and in my mind, there's nothing wrong with that, I can be touching her, and still not see her as anything more than just a really good, really close friend(which she actually is.) And when I say touch her, I don't actually mean grabbing her butt or breast or anything, just, you know, holding her hand, putting my arm around her shoulders, encourage her to sit on my lap, hugging her(from behind as well), putting my hand on her thigh, or sometimes hips etc. Would it be okay if you was a girl and your best friend(who would have to be a guy)did that to you? And how do I know if she minds?

How to get the pins to stay out on a 3 pin 'travellers international' travel adapter?

i have a white travel adaptor which is quite old, from 'travellers international'. the pins on it (which are round) stay out by twisting them. but the two square pins wont stay out, and i can't figure out how to do it. can anyone help?

Started running how long will it take to tone my legs and butt?

Ok, im am 5'2 and right now I weigh 139lbs. I just had a baby 3 months ago and so far I have lost 49lbs. Anyways I have been doing zumba on the kinect like 2 times a week for about two weeks and I just got a treadmill not to long ago and just started running today. I ran 1.2 mi in 13 mins if I run this distance everyday and gradually moving the mile up one every two weeks is that a good workout plan? And how long will it take to get rid of my JIGGLY BUTT AND THIGHS? thanks everyone. :)

Classic Literature that links to The Time Travellers Wife?

im doing a school essay which requires me to do a comparative essay between two books, i absolutely adore the time travellers wife by audrey niffenger but need a more weight literary novel to link it with i.e pride and prejudice, crime and punishment... those sort of books.. any ideas of a book and a link!?!?!

Wow do Gypsies have slaves?

plenty of non-gypsies own slaves. Slavery is a way a lazy person who can't do anything right can have some value. By outlawing slavery they robbed guys who are total ***holes of the opportunity to be disciplined and trained to serve their master, and thereby be of use to at least 1 person.

What size hunt coat would I wear?

I would go to the tack shop and find a coat that fits, and buy it there. I ride dressage, and the nearest tack shop that sells dressage apparel is over 30 minutes away (I've yet to time the drive)! That way you can try on a bunch of different brands and find one that fits (some brands fit differently than others). It always sucks when you find the "perfect" item online, but you find that it doesn't fit.

Will this help me lose some weight?

I am 5'3 and 130 pounds. I want to get down to 105-108. I have 60 days to accomplish this goal. Bascially, every morning I will run for 10-30 minutes (I will increase over time) and in the afternoons I will do some home workout options, such as squats, jump rope, a thigh trainer machine I have (I mostly want to lose my inner thigh fat). I also have volleyball on Mondays and Wednesdays and Volleyball is three hours long. So if I do all this exercise will I be able to lose the pounds by the time school starts? I will also adjust my diet but eating only veggies and fruits. No lie, no more proccessed foods, and not as much dairy. I am making a life style change, but I don't want to do it if the goal is not reasonable. Please help, does this plan seem like it will work?

Uncharted 3 Collectors Edition what is the Travelers Chest made of?

When I pre-ordered Uncharted 3 Drakes Deception in Gamestop I saw a poster that said it comes with a Travellers Chest, and that all the bonus stuff comes inside it. I asked the manager at Gamestop if the Chest was Wood,Tin or Cardboard and he could not answer the question. I am hoping Its anything other than cardboard and that its actually something useable.

Have you ever self-harmed in a rage?

There was recently an incident in which my mother was yelling at me and I got so hysterical that I just had to cut. I ran into the bathroom, grabbed the razor, and Immediately began cutting my upper thigh quickly and violently, and as deep as possible. I didn't even press it against my skin and glide it across slowly as I usually do. I just very quickly pushed down and cut quickly. I got about 15-20 cuts out of the incident. My whole upper thigh swelled and I couldn't even walk the next day because of the pain. It's been nearly a month and a half and they are still a deep red color although they have healed over and gotten long past the "scabbing" stage. I am currently a week free of self-harm, but was wondering if anyone else has ever violently cut themselves as I did in a rage?

Is it possible to take some silver/gold bar to india back from china...?

hi i came to china as a tour for 25 days when i go back to my country india is it possible to take some silver/gold bar to india back from china...? if so how much shall i take.... i have read the document in that for import we have to stay abroad more than 30 days... i am very much confused... please any one clarrify my doubt

Who, or What, pre-poned D-Day date to May 21? Wasn't it supposed to be some time in December next year?

really, i didn't know about it.... anyways i dont believe in all those crap .. the world will go on and on till the kalki avatar ends and it will start all over again. like they say in hinduism.

Roping reins or split reins ?

buying tack for my new horses. I ride western but do jumping. should I get roping or split reins. or both. and also normal halter or breakaway ?

Losing Weight/Stretch Marks/ Help Please ... (lose weight)?

spice it up. spices will boast metabolism naturally. eat often women need to eats every 3 hours to keep their metabolisms from slowing down and men 5, but i suggest 3 also for men. i was in a similar position to you and lost nearly 2 stone. sleep is key your metabolism will not slow down in your sleep. APPLES contain pectin which make it harder for fat the be stored. don't eat transfat they're a killer. try to eat 5 fruit or veg of 5 different colours. and obviously exercise. cadio burns more during the exercise but weight burn more after training as any form of exercise boasts metabolism and your metabolism gradually goes back to normal. hope this helps.Your actual stomach muscles are underneath fat therefore you need to do cardiovascular training to get rid of 2/3 of the fat then you can introduce muscles exercise to have a good 6-pack i was 16 when i lost nearly 2 stone. just gone 17 and doing my diet again to lose another 7-14lbs. haven't gained weight and the gap between me finishing round 1 and starting round 2 was about 6 months

Summer ? Under 18's please tell me the truth ...?

Okay so i am a size 10 in English Clothing (usa-6) And its coming up too summer and i was thinking now that ive lost all the weight (i lost 3 stone) maybe to start wearing a bikini at the beach - AM I FAT ??? - The problem is that i have stretch marks on my waist, thighs and behind my knee. They have almost faded but you can still see them because they are white. I dont even like wearing a 1 piece swim suit or even show my bare legs because i am scared people will laugh at my legs. So do you find stretch marks distgusting cos i do ! Should i wear a bikini ? Am i Fat ? thx

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Starving myself, help?

ok so im 15 years old and I have always throughout my life been very skinny and I loved it but over the past year I've had some personal problems (bad breakup, etc) and I've put on a bit of weight (stomach and thighs) and I hate myself for it and I've tried excersising and eating healthy but it's just not helping so I've just stopped eating from 2 days ago and i'm feeling horrible but I can't stop not eating because I want to be thin and I know you probably think I'm stupid but it's just how I feel so I wanted to know how long do I have to do this for before I loose weight and please don't talk me out of it and say I'm pretty just the way I am cause I'm not gonna listen to you I just want to know how long I have to do this for. and I have no one to talk to either so don't tell me to talk to a counsellor or a doctor even my friends won't understand. thankyou xx

Cost reduction in train travel by tickets booked in IRCTC?

hi i am a frequent traveller from Hyderabad to chennai and viceversa in non AC sleeper class(SL). is there any ways i could save some cost in it. i tried the SBI credit card but it is not much beneficial for non AC sleeper class.

Lumps around my body?

Hey guys i've been noticing lumps around my body, Like little balls of grissle near my bones, for exampel under my chin. My jaw, when i press down on my skin i feel a lumpy grissle. I can move it about but sometimesh urts, i have loads more below my thigh aswell. Is this something to be worried about? I can only feel it when i rpess down with my fingers.

Book recommendations needed!?

Do you like historical fiction? If so, then I'd recommend "The Adventures of Natalie Brennan" series. The protagonist is a sixteen year old girl in the early 1700s and the underlying theme through the series is how she so wants to be loved and desired for herself. Of course, there are obstacles in her way ... like pirates and such. But check it out.

All about you and horses. Awnser?

You copied this off of GG. Go over there to look for my answer. If you want me to answer your poll properly, think of your own questions.

Websites to talk to fellow solo travellers?

This mini article "Companions on your travels" includes links to various travel companion sites and forums. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Please PLEASE help! In serious need.........???

2 days ago I got my 5 year old out to rie well not "out". But just riding her in the pature with a halter like a do sometimes. Granted she hadn't been ridden ridden just kinda lightly worked in the last 3 weeks every other day or ever 3 or 4 days. I got her halter on and hopped on. Started walking around in the pasture every thing was going fine, asked her to go into a trot every thing was okay she was listening, then BOOM! I asked her to go into a trot for the second time and she went into a bucking frenzy, I lost it on the third or foruth buck as I was bareback, I got up after I yelled a few words I will not repeat. Checked her back for pain checked her legs nothing she was fine, anyway. I got her out of the pasture today just to work on her, everything was going okay I got her to trot with no problem and walk with no problem. I wanted to take it easy as she seemed stiff NOT limping but stiff. So she started to lope I knew something was wrong right away. She loped three or four steps went into a bucking frenzy again. I hit so hard on the ground tonight I couldn't breath and we thought I had internal bleeding and are still waiting to see if I have to go to the hospital. As my mom is a nurse blah blah blah. After she threw me I wanted to get right back on, I even told my neighbor that came runnning and my mother and father I wanted back on right away. So I found her brought her back up and was going to get back on. But instead lunged her on the round pen until she was sweating(I let her have breaks). She then joined up with me........Which is a first for both of us. Anyway she is not in pain her tack fits I have checked her back her legs under her belly every where. There is no sign of pain or discomfert. She has never EVER acted like this. In the whole time she was being broken she only through me once. That was my fault though as I thought she was ready and I rushed and she wasn't. So I paid the rightful price for that. But i mean she is like a whole new horse she seems mean and just doesn't want near me anymore(well until we joined up tonight). No she is not in heat I have been watching since she threw me the first time. Did *I* do something wrong!? Could I have caused her to do this or? I have always been light with my hands and seat never have been rough. I don't know what to think. If it gets any worse or she seems worse I am gonna call the vet out and the chiro if the vet can't find anything wrong, to give her a check over. But I have no idea why she has acted like this.......Help please?

How to get rid of my fatty thighs?

I hate my thighs!! They are like really fat and gross so are there any exercises that will help get rid of the fat or at least tone them??

Does water weight make you look fatter?

my period ended today..but before it my thighs didnt touch, my stomach wasnt bloated and my arms were less flabby....i gained 2 lbs on the scale...but i only ate an extra 300 calories the whole it possible that this is just water weight or would water weight ONLy settle in the stomach

Why doesn't Railway Police check criminal minded travellers in the trains seriously who keep weapons with them?

Railway police does not check criminals with weapons simply because of the fact that they are themselves ill equipped. If they catch them, the criminals because of their track record resort to corrupt practices and are let off. And what would be the fate of those who catch them.Taking this in mind the police on duty would not dare to catch those criminals. More often than not those criminal minded people have nexus in the police force too. Hence the malaise. In the process the common people suffer.

Molalla buckeroo Oregon. Whats it like?

My mom and I want to go this year but I want to know if its an event for all day or just the 8:00 show. Are there booths to buy tack and stuff? Are there events going on like barrel racing all day?

I need a leg workout, and fast. Help?

I need to loose weight in my thighs, and I don't have a lot of time until I leave on a trip. Any help please? Give me workouts, or individual exercises.

Usb mixer drum recording?

USB doesn't have enough bandwidth to record any more than a few tracks at a time. You would want to look into a fire wire mixer or interface to be able to record many tracks at once. You could also look into a porta-studio with enough capacity to record your drums all at once.

How much weight can i loose in a month?

yea i guess take a half hour walk every day. this is ******* ridiculous no one cares if your a 0 or a 2. 0 is not hot at all. eat whatever the **** you want. please.

Horse is over jumping?

Have him trot and jump it for a bit and don't give him so much room to trot so instead of a good running start only about 10-15 ft of a trotting start. Maybe before you started using him he was used for a high jumper or he had a bad accident jumping and now he is worried about not clearing the jump. and if he is a quarter horse they have strong hind quarters so it would be natural

Am I fat???...cuz I think I am?

That's actually a normal weight for a girl of your height. Just because you think you are fat doesn't mean you are.

Any better cell phone plans out there or am I expecting too much?

I am a frequent traveller around North America. I spend equal time in both countries. I am on facebook, email, texting and of course phone use. I use all of these on a regular basis to keep in touch with friends as well as business. My bills are over $300.00 per month. Is this an average price for all these things or is there a better deal out there?

I wanna lose weight without getting rid of my booobs!?

i have really small boobs 34a and i really wanna lose some fat off my thighs and some of my stomach i am 123lbs and i wanna be like 117lbs or around tht... is it possible for me not to lose any fat off my boobs?!? i really dont want smaller boobs then i already have! any ideas?!

What is the purpose of travellers clinics?

To get immunized for known diseases and illnesses that are common or dangerous in your destination. For instance: you would want to immunized for malaria etc if you travelling to Africa or South America etc

Leg pain, how to end it?

Hi guys, i got this nasty leg pain. Before i continue let me first say how it happened, well i am a karateka and as one i must be flexible especially with my legs, so i went on trying some flexiblity exercises and the following day i had pain in my left leg. It does not pain constantly but when i stand on my left leg or cough or sneeze it pains terible i can't lift my right leg too. The exact spot where it pains is the beggining of my leg i mean my hip and my thigh where the meet exacly there. I went to see a doc but he gave me some medicine which did not work. Plz help me because it is one month now.

I like a traveller what do i do ?

ok i like a traveller ladd and i dont no what to do hes one of my close mates but its like not their culture is it? ergh im confused :(

How much weight can i loose in a month?

I think you should try Kal-Tein bars... And go on an all-carb diet. They just, like, burn up all your carbs.

Schleich horse game ideas?

I have three Schleich horses. One is a foal, one is a stallion, and one is a mare. I also have a rider and some tack. And I built a three-stall stable. But I ran out of ideas to play with them. Please help!

Weight question! serious answers please!?

so let's make a long story short and say i was a cheerleader the season ended and in just a couple of months I started to gain weight rapidly. i'm 14 years old and right in between 4'11" and 5' I weigh around 100-105 pounds. I have always been skinny but muscular and now it's all fat... I really want to lose this weight. as fast as possible but in a healthy way so I won't gain it back or injure myself. I'd like to know what I should eat and drink, how much of whatever it is that I should be eating and also how much, and what kind of exercises I should be doing. most of the weight went to my stomach hips and thighs. thank you so much. 10 points best answer(:

Which online Equestrian Store do you like best?

I personally like Jeffers because their prices are always good and their shipping is fast. Chick's Saddlery has a great selection of tack, too but I've only used them once so far.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Is there a point in requesting a seat on a plane before check in opens?

Unless you have a specific preference and are willing to pay the extra, I would not. Haven't flown British Airways but this sounds like just an airline scam to get needle the customer for more money. Most airlines in US let you select your seat (for free) at booking. Of course, some airlines have seats with more leg room and they may charge for those. I would not pay the extra myself, especially since you are flying alone, and just request an aisle or window seat (your preference) when you check in.

My thighs are really muscular and...?

I ride horses so i have very muscular thighs. I was wondering if i quit riding would my thighs shrink or would they get flabby because im not working them?

My calf muscles hurts so bad?

That I cant sleep! What happened? My friends and I were playing a game of Man-Hunt. We played it for HOURS from 6pm-10 pm without stopping. Well, we do rest but when people see us, we run away. Theres no times... My friends are fast runners-Soccer player, football player, swimmer, and theres me, ballet dancer. :| I barely took a break, j barely sat. I guess i was too hyper(??). Now, my calves is killing me! Help, i cant sleep! What to do. I need to get some sleep... Its dark now, and i dont want to get up. My thighs muscles are sore too!!!

Are gypsies really like the ones shown on "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding"?

I worked with Travellers and I found that most had a negative opinion of the show and thought it was a complete exaggeration. I think so too, of the Travellers I've met they are a diverse bunch of people this is a grotesque charicature based on what the settle Irish community perceive Travellers to be like They were especially infuriated by the grabbing in the show. I don't know how anyone could conclude the 'feedback was generally positive' because thats just not true. If you even listen to the show you can see that its tongue and cheek documentary that exaggerates eccentricities and presents a loft of falsehoods. Try the 'Truth about the Travellers' which is more accurate. Travellers are similar to gypsies insofar as they are a nomadic culture, although that is dying out because Private Property and Road Traffic laws prevent peoples setting down where they want.

I need some help for tomorrow!?

so i help out at the stable i ride at BUT theres a big problem, one of the jobs is to tack up the ponies and i only know one ponies bridal and saddle and another ponies bridal. i know you cant tell me which is which unless u got to seaview riding school!:P. what should i do?? alot of the time the people that work there are doing something and i dont want to put the wrong tack on. AND another question. i was helping out at the stable on sunday and i was the oldest there. but this 10 year old kid was telling me what to do and when to do it. i didnt tack up and of the ponies coz she sed not to and it doesnt help that im not to good at talking to people face to face. and the younger kids are really harsh with the ponies, they smack them on the nose for no reason thoughtapparently 'they are being bad' no wonder the horse hates taking the bit if all you do is smack it on the nose when it was taking the bitt!!:@ whjat should i say to them if they do it again coz star is a really cheeky but nice pony that is being messed around with. and he's small so he cant pick up bad habbits coz kids ride him. sorry its so long and like a rant!

International SIM cards?

Try GoSim, I don't know much about how it works but they seem to have lots of information on their website which may help you

Gap in the jean problem lol?

my my hips are 35/36 in and my waist it 24/25 in. when ever i buy jeans they fit my thighs and hips but then there is a huge gap in the back of my pants. if i get jeans with out gaps then they barley fit my thighs(no im not fat im in shape). can anyone tell me a good brand of jeans that can fit me that isn't expensive? im 5'7 and 121lbs. thank you sooo much:):)

Crazy Horse stories????????

ok uh 1 horse named watermark, if u give him mints he sucks on them. sucks, like u suck a lolipop. its funny. ok this isnt crazy, but my trainer has this horse whos name is mister but his nickname is devil pony. my trainers dog, toby, came up behind him and started pulling his tail. (toby is still a baby) and at the same time my trainer was behind him, but trying 2 get toby 2 stop. anyway, mister got mad and kicked but her kicked my trainer in the knee and she broke it big time. i wasnt there but 1 of my friends told me

What are some good english community forums in Chengdu Guangzhou Shanghai Beijing?

I will be living in these places for several durations, but want to avoid the traveller forums and join community ones. Do you now of any? (something like for Beijing (lifestyle, personals), gokunming for Kunming and area (news, history, art, local), etc)

Can someone explain to me what a Traveller is? Like on my big fat gypsy wedding?

Why dont they talk about money? why do they marry so young? why wont they marry "Country girls"? What are they? what is their beliefs? i tried reading it on wikipedia but i was so confused i couldnt understand.

Travellers Cheques - Can I cash them?

I recieved 3000 euros worth of travellers cheques in the mail this morning, I am just wondering if it is possible for me to cash them at a bank or post office, or if there is anyway I can exchange them for actual cash. Thanks guys

Stepped on a tack????????

Soo today I stepped on a little thumb tack. It didnt really bleed at all, but t left a mark. should o be concernced? :P

Grumpy Horse in stable, how do I approach him without him bitting me?

At my stables there is a horse who is absolutely lovely to ride but when ever I go in to groom him or tack him up his ears go back and he pulls faces at everyone. He is telling me to back off but I need to go and groom him. Any ways on how I could enter his stable safely and not get bitten? Or even how to stop him from getting mad?

First show nerves (20 characters)?

In 2 weeks I will be taking Angus to his first ever show, I have no idea how he will react to this. Before I got him in January the only time he traveled was when being sold. When he gets off the box after a journey he is quite roundup/bolshy/nervous/excited obviously making him a bit hard to handle. So anyone got any ideas how to calm him down so he is reasonably sane for the show? There will be nowhere to lunge/turnout/stable at the show ground. Only intending to do one class (Inhand showing), and will probably take his tack in-case he is perfectly well behaved and also do the ridden showing class.

I want to buy an handset within the range rs20,000. Please suggest me a good one?

i want good quality music. Want to watch divx and avi movies without converting. I would like to click some photos of my friends and the tour, so a 5mp or more camera should be needed. Need a good battery life. Need to browse web in good speed. Usually i'm a traveller so the sound should be loud when plugged a headphone please help me to choose one. I'll be using this phone upto 2 years so suggest me a good lasting one

Query about driving licence address?

Basically, my stepson spends almost all his time in London, and rents furnished flats on short term leases so he moves usually at least once a year. Would it be legal for him to put our address as his home address on his driving licence so that he wouldn't have to go to the trouble of sending to the DVLA for a new one every few months? I can't see a problem as travellers must put an address on their licenses which they must rarely reside at. Anyone with real knowledge of this and not just guesswork please help.

If i go to sleep and have my period?

of coarse you have you period for 24 hours but what about when i go to sleep what do i do i actually started my period when i was tacking a nap but what if it happens over night and i dont want too get up or im too tired

Making zerk fittings stay in place?

This is for a disk, an implement that is towed behind a tractor to till the ground. It has 16 disks, and 16 zerk fittings. The holes for the zerks are in the axle bearing housings. The housings are cast. The holes are not threaded, and they are more than 3/16" in diameter, but I can not put a 1/4" drill bit in them. The closest zerks that I can find are 3/16" In the past, I had to cut a little piece of copper wire to put in the hole with the zerk and then pound it in. But they still come out. What's another way of keeping them in place? Could I tack weld them in place? I can pick the fittings up with a magnet.

Why do Irish travellers have a bad reputation?

TLC has started airing a show from the UK called "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding" but like most people in the US, I hadn't heard of Irish Travellers before.

Toning body? 12 y/o girl.?

Don't be self concious. your height is perfect for your weight. I really love girls with a gut, i think it's really attractive. keep rocking the bikini and if you don't like your body, wait until you grow into it. Don't worry what other people think. Guys love that in a girl.

Is it ok if I think I'm fat?

I am not judging you but go see a docter,perhaps some kind of theropist?because you are not stable mentally.i am sorry your feeling this way.

I really want a bunny!!?

I have a rabbit, his name is Billy:) I keep him in a cage indoors, thats probably whats safest for them. Just get a carrier when you go from house to house, and carry the cage with you, but I think the traveling would stress the rabbit out, so just keep him at one parents house, unless your parents wont take care of it while youre away.

Where can I find thigh high/ over the knee socks?

I want thigh high socks or over the knee socks but i don't want to buy them online. I've checked the websites for forever21, khol's, jcpenney, charlotte russe, target, etc and they don't seem to have them. Do you guys know of any stores that sell them?

Will drinking sparkling/carbonated water help me?

i really want to lose weight this summer, the tummy and the thighs mostly. I have been exercising every night (lunges, skipping, sit ups. ) and i will be walking places in summer, like to the beach as im only like across the road from it hehe, but i will be walking a lot. my problem is, i eat out of bordom, a lot. If food is there, i feel the need to eat it. I was wondering if i drank a glass of sparkling/carbonated water everytime i feel the need to eat something for no reason will it help me, i only chose sparkling as if you drink some it makes you feel full very quickly and for a while too. My other problem is if i drink it a lot, is it bad for you? thank you! :D

QUESTION FOR PINOY TRAVELLERS: If I have only 5 hours to see iloilo city where would i go?

we'll be going to boracay but upon going home to manila we have to take the plane at iloilo, we plan to leave early in boracay so we'll have atleast 5 hours at iloilo city before going to the airport. what place or activity should we do so as to have a real iloilo experience even in just 5 hours? Thank you!


im 15 years old. my bra size is 34a which is in fact very small compared to other girls that are my age. ive been this way since i was 12 i am just wondering if i will ever get bigger boobs and a bigger butt. people say i should eat and ill retain the body fat but i did and all my fat went to my thighs and made me look fat. what should i do, will i ever get bigger?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Rate this poem please! be brutal as u want?

Uh. I dont mean to be harsh, burt ot was awful. I 'm sorry but it just sounded like you were trying to rhyme so hard.As if that only mattered and your grammar........ just try to revise it and i am sure you will nail it. Good luck!

When do gypsies (travellers) settle down?

Have been watching the Big Fat Gypsy Wedding on TV here in the US. I am wondering when a traveller decides to settle down and buy a house. I see that some of the girls' parents have homes and when the daughters marry they start the life of a traveller. Why do they do this? Are adults still considered gypsies when they own houses? Is it required to "do your time" as a traveller before settling down? Please feel free to go into as much detail as possible.

Better to book hotel or just turn up?

Depends a lot on where you are going. Big cities obviously have more accommodation than small towns, remote islands etc. Also some countries have more facilities than others. Then there is possible language problems. I've had some bad experiences of trudging through the streets, looking for a hotel. Other times not so bad: you have to be prepared for all eventualities.

If I meet someone with the plaque, how can I help them?

Imagine I time travel back to a time where it is common for people to have the bubonic plague. Apart from explaining to them somehow about controlling their rat population and increasing their general hygiene, what knowledge could I bring back that would help them greatly? (This is a hypothetical question. I am not a time traveller.)

Two travellers threatened me? Please read..I'm so scared?

I was walking down town with my friends today talking and not paying attention to my surroundings and then one of them rammed past me and nearly knocked me over..I automatically said ouch that was really sore..then the two teenager girls (clearly travellers) came up to me and started saying they were going to break my face in and I wouldn't have a face when they were finished..I was in shock and didn't say anything so they walked off to this woman who they were walking with before (I think) sorry that this is so long but I'm really scared of what they will do if they see me again and I'm scared they might hurt my family..Please reply because I'm worried and I can't sleep ): ps I'm not racist, they are known to be travellers

My friend has a met a man on the internet who comes froma malaysia he sent her $5000 in travellers cheques to?

He sent $5000 in travellers cheques for her to buy a laptop. She did this then he said he was short of cash and ask she send him some back which she did �1400 via western union he said he would send it back to her later in more cheques - do you think they are stolen? He has now gone missing and his friend has had acar accident and is waiting for op - they sent e-mail and pic after call

Should I sell this horse or give him a chance?

This is pretty typical of a older lesson horse. Since they haven't had too many good riders they pick up really bad habits. I would probably sell because a) you have a buyer b) your mom doesn't want to actually ride THIS horse c) you don't like him and d) I'm guessing you already have your own horse. Why spend time and energy working with a horse that doesn't have too much potential to start off with, especially one that isn't yours?

Tips and hints for condition and turnout classes?

the white marks on her legs can be covered up by getting this spray paint they use on black angus for cattle shows to hide their imperfections. They probably have a version of horses too I believe? I am guessing she has a black tail also so you could put the "spray paint" over the grey area. That is just a couple of my ideas :)

How do you study for the Lsats without buying their classes?

Kaplin or Prinston review. I talked to them and they said the only way you can get their book is if you sign up for their classes. Which is how they get you. I'm trying to get theirs classroom books WITHOUT class. I don't need an instructor I really really don't. Also which is better kaplin or Princeton review. Also do you need good grammer and written abilities to do good on the test> Cause I don't have that. I'm a electrical engineer major. Any advice you can tack onto that or pointers or anything would be great too. Go ahead and ramble about it.

Can i take a rucksack in hand luggage loL?

If it's of a reasonable size then yes you can take it as handluggage. They will usually have size guides for hand luggage, to see if you can put your bag in that and have it fit. However, when I travel, I usually ignore these, and think: would it fit in the overhead storage compartment along with some other peoples handluggage? Or can I fit it right under the chair infront of me without having any of it sticking out? If the answer to any of those is no, then your handluggage is most probably too big and will need to become luggage in the hold.

GUYS ONLY: hot or not?

No its all good. Embrace your body, just try and keep yourself in shape so YOU feel good, not some guy...

Am I pregnant please help need to no?

so on monday had sex and he cumed in me 3 times and den on wenesday cumed in me 1 time now it's friday and I'm hungrey..tired all the time...stomach hurts..cramping and back pain and peeing alot after I drink somthing..but I stop tacking the depo shot 6 months ago..PLEASE HELP ME I'm VERY YOUNG AND I CNT TELL NO ONE

What to do with "unbankable" foreign currency (UK)?

In my line of work I deal with travellers going to obscure countries and they bring me back notes and coins from countries that banks will not accept. I have a tin full now, and not sure what to do with it all! Are there any companies/agencies in the UK that can take obscure currency and exchange it for sterling which we can then bank back into the organisation? By obscure I mean things like Liberian, Bangladeshi, Haitian, Sierra Leone and coins (Euros, Swiss Francs, US Dollars etc) too. I have quite the collection!

Could a gypsy/ gypsy boy ever marry a non-gypsy?

So, I was watching My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding & i was wondering what if a traveller fell in love with a non-traveller/gypsy? Would they be allowed to get married?

Can a company give special treatment to people on social security?

I was in the office at my apartment building the other day and heard them telling a new tenant that his rent wouldn't be considered late until a week into each month. They have previously made a big deal about how any tenant who turns in rent after the first day would be considered late and immediately served a three day notice and late fees tacked on. I asked them about this, and the office manager told me that they give people on social security special treatment. Is it legal to discriminate between people with disabilities and people without, as long as you're not treating the disabled people worse than the people who aren't?

Am I fat..... Cuz I think I am?

As a fat boy, you would know if you were fat. Even I am not that fat, but if you were I promise you would know. I get a lot of **** for it myself, and teenagers are very blunt and truthful, so I would believe them if they said you were skinny. You're your own worst critic.

Should I invest in this tack?

If you don't intend to show, and just want some English tack for fooling around home, go for it. Are you looking to use this on your stud? It'd be fine for him as long as it fits him. If you decide that you really want to take the English route, invest in some better quality tack for showing. I bought an all purpose saddle for $250 at a local tack shop, and it's served me great. I've even used it to show once.

Monday, August 8, 2011

What body shape am I :)?

I am really short (5'1!) and I have skinny shoulders and arms, big bust, small waist, big thighs and bum! :)

Is this an okay stable hand resume?

you need to add things like experience and skills. If you have had lessons, show experience, etc this will all help show you are very knowledgeable. You can also show tings such as honor student if you are one or anything like that. That shows character and shows you try hard. Good luck!

How to ask for sponsorship to run for Sate Fair Queen?

I was curious as to how and whom I could ask for sponsorship to run for State Fair Queen this year as my first year running. Sponsorship would include tack, money, etc. I've just never really had to find sponsorship before, but obviously will need to. Any answers, tips, and/or advice would be greatly appreciated and I'd be more than grateful. Thanks a ton!

Im overweight but i dont look like it?

Weight isn't necessarily based on fat, it's also based on muscle and water. Your BMI should be a more accurate indicator of the percentage of fat on your body.

Book recommendations for 17-year old?

So, it's not necessarily at the same level as The Hunger Games, and its set as an Alternate Reality of the past and knights and other awesome things, but The Song of the Lioness quartet by Tamora Pierce is boss. It definitely has the sci-fi, magic, and fantasy aspects!

Horsey question and breed questions ?

i know a connemara, she's a really fun ride, can bolt though and spooks alot! She is strong, especially jumping as she just loves to go. She can be laxy until you have your first canter and then you have trouble holding her back. shes great in every ways, just is a little fiesty! x

Stolen bike, know who's got it, what will police do?

keep up the pressure and keep pressing write the reference number down and they will give you a call

Where can i get a 16 hand high or a 17 hand high riding horse?

I want to get a riding horse from a sanctuary but i don't know where to look. I cannot pay big money for the horse though. I have all the tack: Saddle,bridal, Numnagh. I also have experience as i use to ride but gave it up as i got a serious fright with my old pony. I also worked in a Equestrian centre too. I have horses that i do in hand showing with. THANKS!!!!!

I need help,nobody understands?

i understand a little bit what u mean. some of this is probaly caused by low self esteem. if u work on that, ur current problems may improve. if u ever need anything tho u can email me at and ill b there 4 ya :) just remind me who u r and what ur problem was and stuff cuz i can b kinda forgetful :p

What is a good size for my body type?

Ok I am a 14 year old girl with natural bleach blond hair and blue eyes. I currently am 5 foot 4 inches and weigh around 140 pounds. I am legit not fat, I have a German heritage so I have like a crazy amour of mucle. I am not lying at all I want answers. I wear a size 9 and a 1/2 shoe. I also wear a size 5 or 7 pants jeans or a small medium sweats. And last I wear a 36 B BRA. as you can see I am a bigger girl but not fat wise. I am just big boned and have a lot of mucle! But what I want to know is, in 6th grade I hit puberty and gained a significant amour of weight and was a little chubby. But I grew a few inches and lot the baby fat so my problem is fitting in pants. I have very big thighs with a lot of mucle but a little fat so I have issues with pants. My butt fits into a size 3 but my thighs don't. So I end up with a bigger size pants so I have to wear a belt or they fall down! Ok so my big question is what do u think a helthy weight and pants size to make my goal? I go to the gym and constantly am working doing lawns and also during school I do all the sports! So pleases be specific! A pant size and a good weight for my body type!! :) thanks

Red rashes and small bumbs they start red and turn wihte on my thigh .std blood test nigativ?

i have red rash and small bumps on my thighs and they bother me and i just got testd for std and evry thing came back nigative . but i also have ants proplem in the house . oh and the rash i can feel it hot

What can you do to stop sunburn from burning?

I got suburnt on my thighs today and i cant seem to find anything which will cure the stinging sensation! Can anybody help please....

How can I prepare my dog for a 3 & 2 hour plane ride?

Your plan for exposing her to the carrier is a good one. Don't feed her before the flight - maybe just a biscuit. Let her have water up until you leave for the airport, and offer her water between flights but don't be surprised if she refuses. If she DOES drink, limit her to a couple of ounces so she doesn't load her bladder. She's going to be frightened by the strange noises and smells so don't rely on her behavior being normal. Make sure to keep the leash attached to her collar so she can't bolt if she panics when you take her out of the carrier between flights. Hopefully you will be able to get her outside for a potty break between flights but she may be too upset to relieve herself. Put newspaper in the bottom of the carrier in case she pees because of fear. Do not put a blanket over the carrier. She needs air. Airline policies vary, and some flight attendants adhere to them more strictly than others. If the flight isn't packed, and your seatmates are family members, ask if it would be okay to have the carrier in your lap for a little while once the flight is underway. They may say okay, but keep it closed, or may let you open it to pet her as long as she stays in it, or they may let her out to sit on your lap for a while. They may make a big fuss over her and offer her treats. Don't forget that your fellow passengers may be allergic to, or dislike or fear dogs. You and the crew need to be sensitive to their rights too.

Where on the body is most likely to bruise when it gets hit?

I've found that the inside of my thighs and my knees bruise more easily. Does it change for everyone, or are there certain areas where there are more/more breakable blood vessels?

Help please?!!!?!?!?!?

I know I've asked this before, but no one is answering. does anybody have a good exercise/ meal plan for toning up? I am already thin, I just want to be tone. Also, how can I get rid of extra weight in my thighs?

Workplace racism towards Irish Traveller's who come in to eat, how do I cope with it?

Hatred of travellers is the last bastion of socially acceptable racism in Britain I am sorry to say. Your workplace sounds as if it has a really bad atmosphere. Try and challenge it if you can. If they simply go on doing it, I'd start looking for somewhere else to work.

Are there any nomadic groups travelling in the UK ?

I am a third generation Romani Gypsy, i have turned nineteen and have lived on a permanant travellers site all my life. I am trying to contact other nomadic people who are still travelling in the UK and would ultimately like to travel with them.

Hoof moist -- Hoof oil - Diffrence?

You should not put conditioners, oils, etc on your horse's feet. All of them are detrimental to having healthy hoof tissue. A horse's hoof can never be too hard or too dry. You did not mention what kind of problem you are trying to treat, but all the research for over the past ten years is against this as it is harmful and serves no purpose at all. No one benefits except the manufacturer.

My relator is wanting to add on her own admin fee's onto my closing costs, is that allowed?

Our closing fee's will be 4007 including our relator's add on. She wanted to get out of paying her company's fees so she is tacking 299 onto our closing costs. We have asked the seller to pay 4,000 of our closing costs. Is this allowed? Is this right?

Help - visiting San Francisco?

I'm planning on visiting San Francisco at the end of September for 4 days, I'm just wondering where would be the best area to stay in order to be right in the middle of the tourist attractions and the golden gate park. Also can you recommend a cheap, single traveller, friendly place to stay? Also if anyone knows when the best time to book flights would be and where is the cheapest place to book for American flights that would be awesome - Thank you in advance :)

9 weeks pregnant with really bad rash, What to do?

I'm about 9 weeks pregnant and I went swimming yesterday with my family at the lake. The water made me break out! I don't know why but it did. EVERYTHING I have tried doesn't work include Hydro-cortizone cream and exima medicine, Rash cream, Aloe Vera, aspirin((just for the hell of it!)) .... When it started I had just got out of the water and it started on my arms, shoulders, and neck. It's now on the inside of my thighs, My sensitive area, Under my breast, my arms, my under arms, and calf. It itches REALLY bad, it's red from itching it so much, I barely slept last night and there's a TON of bumps. They hurt REALLY bad from itching so much. Any suggestions? I go to my OB Friday but I cant live like this for that long....

Cheap Tack Trunks for sale?

Does anyone know of a place to buy cheap tack trunks? I need it to be big enough to fit my western saddle, two bridles, eight splint boots, four bell boots, a saddle pad, a fly sheet, and various grooming supplies. It also must not rot if it gets a little wet, and must be lightweight enough for me to lift and/or drag by myself (I am strong, but not superwoman). I am looking for something under $300, and it would be nice if it came with a way to lock it, but I can install a lock if I need to. Wheels would also be nice, but not a necessity.

Is my leg ok, should I worry?

for about 3-4 weeks my upper thigh has felt like it's pulled out of place or something. It hurts to walk on my leg, and I can't kick with the leg without it hurting a lot. At times i can't even put any pressure on it for a while. Is it just pulled out...or something else?

Is this a healthy diet plan?

I think you should stay away from the real sugary stuff .Those things slow down your metabolism and make your body keep a lot more of the calories. Even the diet Snapple has way over the sugar you should be eating if your on a diet. Hope that helps, God Bless!

I don't know what to do? Who to lease? *Sigh*?

if i were you i would look for a different horse to lease and possibly stable at the barn where you are working. none of the horses you mentioned sound like good prospects for someone leasing for the very first time

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What are the chances of being killed by your ex?

i would lock up your animals and more than likely if you leave him alone he will leave you alone, thats why you should always do a background check its only 40 bucks, and most guys that polish guns and carry knifes are cowards and wont do anything to a human its the ones that dont try to make you fearful that you need to worry about...

Wtf is going on, is my hormones wack?

You might have polycystic ovary syndrome. The only way u can get it sorted is by going to the doctor. Sorry I wasn't much help

Bruise Feeling Everywhere But Nothings There.?

Lately I Have Been Feeling Like I Have Bruises Everywhere On My Body. I Can Just Touch Myself Or My Boyfriend Can Touch Me And All I Say Is Oww.! That Hurts.! My Neck, Back, Thighs, Legs, Arms, And Chest Hurts. I Do Not Know Why. Somebody Please Help Me Cause I Am Worried.!

Please help. What did this dream of mine mean?

I'm 17, and this is a type of dream that's not been unusual for me for the past several years. This one has stuck with me quite strongly, though. I was myself, but a girl. I remember being at this massive, really luxurious hotel/casino/resort place with all of my family except for my dad to celebrate my birthday. We were going to get dinner at some upscale restaurant on the ground level of this building (which had like 50 or 60 floors and a glass ceiling) when someone told me they heard my dad was on his way. This frightened me for some reason and I turned around and rushed to an elevator. I went up about 20 floors and got out near this bar and some shops. My aunt was there and I talked to her for a few minutes when she told me my dad had gotten there. At this point I took off down this hallway with a bunch of nice hotel rooms down it. I went inside one of them and locked the door. I remember the lighting was kind of dim and I sat down and changed my shoes from heels to some kind of boots, then I got up and looked in this mirror that was above the desk in the room. I took a really long look at myself. I had long reddish black (my hair's naturally a reddish brown) hair with straight bangs and the rest kind of wavy. I also remember I was wearing a black and white strapless dress that came down about mid-thigh or so. I remember feeling happy for a minute and thinking that I looked fantastic. Then I heard my dad calling for me, and I didn't know where it was coming from. I left the room and took off down the hall, which had gotten much darker, and eventually found myself back in the main area of the resort building. I noticed it was night, and then I saw a couple of my cousins and my aunt talking to my dad. That's the last thing I remember before I woke up. Please help me out here. I think I might already know what this dream and many others I've had are trying to tell me, but I want the opinions of others too. Also, my dad and I are pretty close, so I don't get why I was running from him or afraid of him. Anyway, please tell me what you think and thank you!

How can i tone my legs?

I have thick thighs, and I L O V E them, but since school let out and I haven't been as active, I noticed that they're getting jiggly again. Besides running/jogging/walking etc, what other simple exercises can I do to focus on toning my legs, and thighs included? Thanks (:

Horse show horrors?......................…

Anyone want to share some horse show horror stories? I just went to a show and everything that could go wrong did, and it would be amusing to hear some of your stories! so at mine my normally hard to handle but controlable horse wen NUTS he bucked even at the walk (nothing was wrong with back/teeth/bit/saddle) he was just excited, I twisted my ankle cantering (lost my stirrup in an odd way and twisted it) my horse spook and scrambled back into a group of young girls on ponies (he's a kicker also) thankfully no one was hurt, and he got mad when his haybag went empty so he left 20 6 inch teeth marks on my trainers BRAND NEW 3 horse trailer w/ dressing and tack room. he just decided to run his teeth down over it again and again, (we were collecting ribbons though so we wernt their to stop him) he also pawed a foot deep hole. anything like this happen to you guys?

Does Zumba help lose weight?

I'm 17, 5'4'' and weigh 143. I want to lose at least 10 lbs. My goal is to get a flat stomach & smaller thighs by my senior prom. If I use the Zumba dvds and follow the Total Body Transformation schedule along with eating healthier, do you think I'll be able to lose the weight? Also, how long do you think it'll take? Have any of you successfully lost weight on Zumba?

Will stretch marks dissapear if you are only 15?

Hi, I'm a 15 year old boy. I am 5"9 (180cm) and 158 Ibs (72kg). I have grown rapidly over the past 3 years and I have got stretch marks above my knees, my thighs and my shoulders. I am worried about whether they will stay or disappear over time. Ps, I work out and have a well trained body, maybe my muscles have torn my skin apart since they have grown faster than my skin not giving time for the skin to grow at the same pace. Thank you !!!

Had any one tested negative at 14dpo on home test but then gone on to test positive?

You should retest. False negatives happen, and if it did in your case most likely because it was too soon to test.

How's the start of the story?

I like it, It actually reminds me of the story i'm writing right now. You have defiantly manged to convey the mood and atmostere of the area and world, and your character sounds really intersting, I think youv'e done well, I hope you want to publish it one day, if you keep up at the rate and quiltiy you have gotten so far it is defiantly in your reach but its still a little early to tell.

GIRLS -- Fashion help please?

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Explain dream about Egypt?

Okay, so I had a dream about being in Egypt with my friends back in time and we were those people. Like the pharaoh, high priest, slave, and others. I was a trouble maker traveller. But lots of things happened in dream. Love, gore, war, lots of things. I woke up that morning worried and then a few hours later, I took a nap and the dream continued. What does this mean? I'm not explaining because it's too long. I haven't even study or thought about Egypt at all in 3 weeks.

Important question for girls?

Whenever men are touching me or something and I try to kick or knee them in the nuts, I always miss and get their thigh or penis, but not their nuts which you try to aim for. Should I give up and just try the squeezing method or does it just take practice?

Tesco travellers cheques help?

If I buy �200 in travellers cheques will I receive one cheque which I can cash in for �200 or several cheques worth �50 for example? I don't want one big cheque and I would have expected most people wouldn't so do they automatically break down your order? I can't find any option to choose to do this.

What kind of insurance do I need for my mud tack?

I want to start a mud obstacle course for 4x4 trucks on my property. If I am going to charge people for admissions and issue prizes what kind of insurance should i have? About how much should this insurance cost me?

Canon FD to EOS converter? Confused?

I bought a FD to EOS converter online, knowing very well these types of things are hit or miss. I bought it primarily to use with a older, but at one time top of the line, 75-200 telephoto lens. I have used it quite a bit, and the telephoto captures every bit as good of images as a dedicated lens (with the exception of the aperture limitations in some situations). Images have so far been sharp as a tack with no visual distortion using this particular lens and the converter. This morning, I decided to play with some other FD mount lenses I have. They don't seem as willing to produce good images. It reminds me very much of the "grainy" appearance of high iso film, and the wide angle got a white, hazy almost "vignetting" thing going on. Any ideas as to why one lens works quite well with the converter and others don't? Possible the higher quality optics in the telephoto vs the other lenses? If the converter didn't work at all, I would understand. If the converter worked well with all the lenses, I would understand that. But I'm not understanding whynit only works well with the one lens. Anynideas/insight?

Pain in my lower right abdomen?

I have been having achy pains in my lower right abdomen. My appendix was trmoved about 3 yrs ago so not that. It will come on real sudden and VERY strong. At times its hard for me to move. Its right where hip meets thigh... You know that crease area. I've not moved anything heavy and I don't remember pulling anything there, but either way it feels different than muscle pain. Any ideas would be great! I can't get in to see the dr for another 2 wks as my schedule is completely full till then.

I am going to help out at a stables?

what sort of things will i have to do. i know all stables are different. i know i will have to groom, tack and bring horses in and take them out. will i have to much else.??

My nut was drippin/runnin down my leg for no reason, my boyfriend said he cant hve kids bt could i be pregnant?

Could be either and std or should always use condoms to protect against both regardless of what your boyfriend says. I know people who have kids when one person swore up and down they couldn't have them. Go to a doctor asap and get tested for std's and pregnancy. Good luck and if you end up with neither always use condoms!

How do I properly use a comb?

I feel ridiculously stupid asking this. I have curly hair and have always used a brush on it. My mom uses a comb and every time I would use it I felt like it was pulling/ripping out my hair. I read online that a comb is better for your curls and keeps them more in tacked. Any help or information would be appreciated and PS yes I've already googled this.

How can i loose weight on my thighs, legs and arms?

i'm quite thin on my belly but my legs, thighs and arms are too big! they're flabby too, so how can i loose weight and tighten them up:) thankyou:')

Workout for a 13 year old?

Jog 4 20mins everyday to get natural steroids flowing do girl push ups about 20 every other day 4 the arms and on the days u dont do the push ups do about 30 sit ups 4 ur stomache

Should a seventy year-old continue to resist tho' astronaut-gods want ezek.9:1-6 used against a city?

Heu... from your words, I had a vision of these words of 1 samuel 17:45 with reference to these words of Ezekiel 9:1 ; Ezekiel 43:3; Ezekiel 1:28; Ezekiel 3:23 from the words of God thy holy book....

Are my thighs too big to pull off skinnies?

I'm 6' 1" and weigh 170 pounds and I'm 17. Everyone in my country wears skinnies so no comments about them being gay please. My thighs have a circumference of 24 inches and my calves are 16 inches.Is that too big to wear skinnies? And are they abnormally large?

Veins or Stretch Marks? And how to get rid of it...?

t really was like veins but my mom a href="" rel="nofollow"

If a horse dumps you once, do you think theyd do it again?

I know this is a really broad question and theres no way to truly answer it because every situations different and theres lots of things to consider. but just wanted to hear what you guys think. my horse started bucking today and im pretty sure it was from something bothering him either something stung him, pinched hime etc idk. but we had been riding for a while and he was doing fine and he suddenly started bucking. its seemed out of the blue to me but of course i couldve missed some signs. i fell off but instead of running back to the barn he just continued buck for about a min even though i had already came off ( which is why i think something was bothering him). then he stopped and i went and got him, checked and felt all underneath him, checked my tack, walked him a little bit, then got back on and didnt have any more problems. i know horses learn from pressure and release so thats what got me thinking: if they realize by bucking they can get rid of you, do you think theyd do it again? i dont mean in my particular case and again, i know theres not really a solid answer to this question because every situation varies, but just wanted to hear your responses. i dont blame my horse for bucking and i solely believe that a horse is a reflection of the person riding/handling it so i know something went on that I missed that caused him to do that or maybe i did something to cause it without realizing it. so dont bother telling me you think he was just being a brat, barn sour, blahblahblah. i dont wanna hear it. hes a horse and thats all i expect him to be. and dont bother telling me to get a trainer. my horse is my trainer, and this was the first time hes ever done that. im not depending on your answers to figure out why he did it, if he'll do it again, what i shouldve done etc. i just like to hear what different horse people say and how they view things. Thanks.

My bf loves grabbing my bum alot in public, is that embarrasing?

what he does most of the time is smack my bum then grab it and then slide it down towards my crotch,like in between my thighs from the back, if you know what i mean, its quite a dirty grab, i like when he does it and it turns me on but he does it in public, should i be embarrassed, what do you guys think, what would you do if you bf/gf did that to you in public.i did ask him why he does that when im with him, he replies that he likes the size of my bum and that its really cute.

Shold i take sterorids...?

today i just maxd out 230 on full squat weights alot of my frends are telling me that its a bit wired that i got rock hard thighs and in a lil under for upper body the moment i way 143 pounds and im 17 years old. i was wondering if i should take steroids to make it go a bit faster. i can get it qik from a friend at the gym but i don't no if i should.

Is Melbourne street safe for tourists?

train stations and nightclubs after midnight are dangerous, other than that it is very safe and sound.

What some exercises to make you thinner?

Cycling,swimming and running are all good to lose weight and make your muscles toned, but if you really want the fastest weight loss your going to have to go with a exercise that increases you heart rate the most, witch is not cycling or swimming. Doing short,quick sprints,runs one after another will get your heart rate up quickest. I would suggest if your just beginning do quarter mile runs at a fast pace, up hill if possible. And rest about 3 minutes in between each set. For food, if your committed on a regular work out schedule then foods that are high in carbs and low in trans fat. noodles,fish and the salads you get that have meat are good also.

Why do Irish Travellers call themselves gypsy?

i was just wondering i am an Actual gypsy (Romani) and i was watching some YouTube videos my friends has sent to me and it was My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding i was thinking wow Maybe we'll know them let me watch, then they turned out to be irish travellers when irish travellers are NOT gypsy but they just act like us allot i dont know why though, but irish travellers are NOT NOT NOT!!! gypsy's they just act like it so what i wanna know is why do they act like us for?

I seem to be having trouble loosing weight on my legs?

I have tried running, slendertone, wall sits etc. my legs just stay the same, I have very fat legs and I have no gap between them. I really want to loose inches from my top inner thighs especially to create a gap between my legs to look thinner, i'm just finding it hard to do so? any ideas? any weight loss routines? please help!

Why is there discrimination against gypsies?

Ok, I was watching My Big Fat Gypsie Wedding, and they talked about discrimination a lot and hotels and reservation cancelling on them because their travellers and I dont understand whats wrong with them. Also, I dont understand why they dress like they do but yet they have very high morals. Why do they do that? If someone could answer these question and also give me more information about them please? Thank you.

Whats a good inner thigh workout?

ok .. i want a inner thigh wrokout ... that either loses weight / gains muscle ?? i DO NOT want to join a program or aything i just want a workout

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Parents - Do you regret having children?

You just called stay at home Moms stupid. I was the most free spirited, traveling, life long learner around and I just took my daughter with me. So NO, I have never regretted having her and she was an 'accident'. Somehow I knew that pregnancy would be my only chance so I went with it. She is my best friend. The saddest thing about parenthood is that most of parents are young, self centered and dumb as a box of rocks...did you enjoy my candor Darlin'?

Should i feel ashamed about Pikey situation?

For the second time: Why would walking away from several violent people be something shameful? Did you want to get beaten up? No? Okay then. There's no problem.

Where can i get a kit to learn swedish?

my little cousin is swedish and i want to learn swedish so i can talk to her. where can i do that please answer . Tack(thank you) she taught me that lOl

Are travellers' cheques still widely accepted in America?

I'm going to Florida in July and am uncomfortable with taking a lot of cash over there so would prefer to use travellers' cheques, but I'm not sure how often they're used anymore.

2002 Harley davidson Ultra classic electric glide?

There are enough electronics on that bike to thwart most home mechanics. I don't think you really have an alternative to taking it to an H-D service department.

Homemade breyer tack?

YOUTUBE IS AWESOME! t has many tutorials on breyer. All you need to type in is how to make an __________ or tutorial on ________ and that's it! If your on facebook i really recommend taking a look at Silver Lake Stables she is an awesome breyer tack maker and such an example to the other people who make the tack!

I am 5'1 and 104 pounds. Is this healthy?

if you lose 10 lbs, you will be underweight. I think you should just tone your body by running, but don't diet. Also, I think you can lose 4-6 lbs, but not 10! 10 lbs is too much. You are not fat AT ALL!

Thighs Rubbing Together But Im Not Overweight/Obese?

Im 5,5 and weigh 113lbs. I have no clue if its just me but I think my thighs look huge. They rub together. It doesn't hurt or anything but I just noticed it a week ago. When I stand up, the only part that rubs is the way upper part of the thigh. Im skinny and when I wear pants they don't rub together. Is it just when it gets hot that thighs expand? A month ago I was at the YMCA and I looked down and noticed my thighs look huge. I was cold... not hot because I just got out of the water.

Any cheap guest houses or hotels in bangkok?

located near Khao San Road. I would like to travel there directly from the airport and what I have gathered from other world travellers is that Khao San Road is known for finding cheap accommodation. I would like to narrow down a list of hotel or guest house names in advance or perhaps transcribe them in Thai language.

How can I lose stomach fat and get firmer thighs quickly?

I'm like 150 pounds at 4"10, I know, it's disgusting. I mean, I do hide my weight well, but I am obese and I don't feel very good in my skin because of it. My biggest problems are my stomach and thighs. How can I lose some stomach fat and get firmer thighs very quickly, like in a week or two if that's possible? I'll go to drastic measures as long as I still can eat, no matter how little. Thanks.

Is this a good opening for my book?

It is VERY good. I am 14 also and love writing. I'm trying to write a book to get published. Are you thinking of getting yours published?

I need help finding a shirt me?

hey!!!ok so i am going to church camp and if you have a two piece swimsuit you have to wear a shirt that is not see thru or white and it has to be past your thighs my swimsuit is a leopard rainbow print so help?thanks i appreciate it O:)

Help - visting New York?

I'm planning on visiting New York at the end of September for 4 days, I'm just wondering where would be the best area to stay in order to be right in the middle of the tourist attractions and central park. Also can you recommend a cheap, single traveller, friendly place to stay? Also if anyone knows when the best time to book flights would be and where is the cheapest place to book for American flights that would be awesome - Thank you in advance :)

Is this a bad thing to want and tell me why if it is?

I want to live as a traveller with no technology and human interaction and just travel in papa new guinea and survive off of the natural plants there and animals there. I just want to survive in the wild forests in papa new guinea and Have close to no human interaction. Has anyone else ever thought of this.

Plz help me for i'm confused?

I finally finished high school.... but i'm way to messed up to choose what course to take in university... i mean theres way to many courses. but me, i really want to be everything. i wanna be a cop, wanna be a doctor a traveller an inventor... plz help

Tying up problem? Help please!?

there's one problem about most thoroughbreds,well ex race horses at least, is if they feel pressure they usually pull AGAINST it, so maybe tying him up to twine is better so that if he does pull against it, he will get away without hurting himself or anyone else.

Bumps on my thighs after shaving what to do to prevent them? :( sick of it?

i don't wanna resort to waxing they actually cause ingrown hair more than shaving and these bumps on the thighs and sometime on the legs its horrible i use a good razor conditioner and moisturize what else can i do?

How can i convince my trainer that i am ready to start helping her train ponies?

She will tell you when you're ready, not the other way around. I don't want to be nasty but if you want to play with a horse, find a well broke adult horse to play with. Sure, youngsters are cute and fluffy and your new best friend, but when they want to be they are also biting, kicking, rearing, dangerous wild animals. And they need expert handling. If you get it wrong you can wreck them for life, or put yourself at risk.

Currency to take to altinkum,turkey,cash or travellers cheques?

I was there recently and was sorry I didn't take all my money in sterling because the exchange rate 2.55 - 2.6TL was much better than in the UK. Going in July and will take all cash and exchange there.

Can I still exercise with shin splints?

I recently started walking everyday, now that school is out. The first day that I did, I got really bad shin splints. I think I over did it the first day. I want to join the tack team next fall at school. Can I still walk, except maybe at a slower pace, then once they heal start running? I have never had them before. I have always only played softball at school. But, now that I will be going into high school, I want to join the track team.

Shin vs. thigh length?

I have always felt like I have had short shins compared to my thigh length. If the inside of my legs measure 32 inches, what is the average for shins versus thighs?

What do you need to own a horse at home?

We have a pony and he is at a yard on part livery at the minute so we don't need much except for the tack, rugs, grooming kit, and head-collars and lead-ropes. Basically we have everything for our horse and for us but not the feed or yard equipment. What sort of yard equipment will we need etc? He is moving home in around two weeks so we need to make sure we have everything. Thanks.

How do the gypsy and traveller families on TLC afford such posh weddings?

How do people who are supposedly "travelling gypsies" afford designer dresses, elegant receptions, and fancy food/cars? I thought they are supposed to be poor people who deal mainly in scrap metals?

Recording voice over another tack?

What's the best way to record my voice over an instrumental/karaoke track on my pc. I've got a few suggestions like using Audacity, is this the simplest way and how good is the quality of the resulting track.. in terms of mixing?

Where can I find high waisted shorts that aren't too short?

I want some high waisted shorts, but I would never be able to walk out of the house with anything shorter than mid thigh. I know that high waisted shorts are traditionally shorter but are there any exceptions?

How could I get a horse?

After FIVE years I finally got my horse! Don't give up and show that you really love them and you will be able to get one! If you really love them then show your mom!:) GOOD LUCK!

Cedar point w/ big thighs?

I'm about 275-280 pnds and I'm going to edar point, I can fit into a large in shirts at stores like american eagle but my waist is small, my hips and thighs and but carry most the weight...... I wear a size 20_22 in pants. Should I even bother going? If I can't fit into all the rides I don't wanna even go..

PLEASE JUST LOOK AND ANSWER. You probably know more than you think!?

I live in East Tennessee. My horses wear medium blankets, and theyre a Thoroughbred and an Arabian. Its all they really need. It DOES get really cold, we had single digits here last winter, but if you let them develop some winter coat and still blanket them and feed them plenty then theyre fine. People think the southern states are pretty warm year round but theyre nottt. It gets cold here. Rambo is a GREAT brand. English tack: Depends on you price range. Pessoa's are my favorite but whew theyre expensive. Collegiates are pretty good for their price. And the saddle size all depends on the shape of your particular horse. I can't say because horses of every breed can be so different. A lot of Thoroughbreds are skinny and have lots of backbone but not all so its difficult to say. You'd just have to get it fitted. Good luck, enjoy the South! Its awesome here! :)

Help! my mom just punched me repeatedly?

iim a girl that just turned 13. im doing a summer math program, today my mom kept interrupting me, i told her to stop. my dad took my stuff away. theen my dad started telling me to shut the **** up aand threatened to hit in the past my dad strangled me when i was 8. and has done so two more times recently. he never lets me go over my friend's houses in fear ill tell them all the things hes done to me' though i have the scars to prove it. a few scars on my arms due to me cutting myself from his vicious name calling, scars on my thighs, my nightmares of hiim murdering me, and my stacks of songs, stories, and poems of girls that are abused too. few days ago iwas locked up in my room luckily my wii has internet. but i cant call people.. my dad has brainwashed me into not calling the police, but im tired of being treated like a parakeet. my dad showers me with love. but im starting to think its to just get me to shut up. help! also dont tell me about my mom shes punched me, pulled my hair, and beats me. My mom has also punched me in the back and several times in the arms just now just for saying "leave me alone!" my spine hurts alot and it hurts to breathe. I normally don't spend time with my parents, I normally spend alot of time online, talking to internet friends is there any way I can report them without getting taken away? I fear if I get taken away, I'll be no longer able to talk to them, also, will I have my phone so I can atleast talk to some of them?

Friday, August 5, 2011

Who should I talk to?

I would suggest since you're younger to talk to your school counselor, and maybe they could give you more information or refer you to someone. I would explain to them how you are feeling. Also I'm sure if you sat your parents down and explain your worries they will try to help, its hard being a teenager but don't worry you'll get through it. I hope you find your answers:)

First time traveller arriving at Charles de Gaulle Airport?

The first thing you do after you get off the plane is go into the terminal and show your passport but its not hard to get to the terminal just follow everybody else and then after that you go to collect your bags where he will not be aloud stay I dont think and then after you get your bags go out and go to your house/hotel/apartment and you cannot get lost even if its huge just follow everybody else that was on your flight and its signposted in english anyways and then when youre ready just ring him on your mobile phone(cell phone) but just tell him to wait right outside terminal 2 then its pretty much guaranteed that you will see him

5 day horse show checklist, corrections?

Sounds perfect! Just make sure you get emergency Information to put on a stall door that has your name as owner or whoever owns the horse, if not you. and an in case of emergency on call vet phone # I know we all hate to think something could go wrong, but just in case! :) good luck!

Any recommendation for romantic movies?

If you're really looking for a personalized recommendation you should make a jinni account, they take your movie preferences and then give you movie suggestions based on your movie profile. It's usually pretty good. a href="" rel="nofollow"

Could this be harmful to me?

When I use my laptop, I actually have it on my lap... Lately it's been getting really warm and it leaves the top of my thighs red. I didn't think anything of it at first, but a few days ago I noticed a slight discoloration of my skin on my left thigh. It made this part of my skin a little darker..It's really only noticeable from close up. Could this be harmful to me?

Decorating tips for college dorm?

i'm starting college in the fall, and i'm not sure how to decorate my dorm. i know that i want a black/white zebra stripe comforter with one set of light pink sheets and one set of hot pink sheets. but other than that i'm not sure what to do. basically the rules are: no nails/tacks in the wall, no blocking emergency lights/smoke detectors/fire exits, and no destroying furniture. any ideas?

Where can I get a cheap riding helmet?

Borrow one tonight and go to the tack store tomorrow. Your school, or friend, or instructor should have one for you to use but, put a tissue in the helmet before use just in case. Lice sucks and you don't wanna risk it. Keep track of the new helmet and write your name on a piece of tape and put it inside. You gotta do what ya gotta do. I put purple nail polish on the butt of my crop so I can identify it. It actually looks pretty good!

Has any one tested negative at 14dpo then gone onto get a positive test?

i personally never had that happen but there are people who i know who didnt get a positive till they were 3 months pregnant and went on to have healthy children, i say its time to buy a test though! sounds promising to me. do you have lots of white creamy discharge? if yes then i deff say you are preggo! good luck!

My pony seems unhappy what do I do?

Maybe the vet should check her out. I'm not saying you aren't taking good care of her, but sometimes horses have problems that we can't physically see. I don't think it's right that she is acting up now that it's spring. I'm not sure how she acts when you ride her or during turn out, but make sure she doesn't act abnormal during turn out. Hope you find what's wrong!

Help with exercise wraps?

The wraps are meant to go over padding after the horse has been ridden hard or has some swelling or heat in her lower legs. You can put some ointment on and then you wrap the pads with those wraps. When riding, you should really only use the polos or boots for her legs. I would stick with the fleecey polos, be sure you wrap them towards the tail on the outside :)

Canadian tourist soon to be visiting Galway, Ireland. :)?

I live in Galway & it is a great place to visit & you can take lots of day trips out to Connemara, Bunratty Castle, etc as lots to do & see.......... there are lots of tourists in Galway & the town/city has a nice vibe to it, is beside the sea & always lots going on. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a a href="" rel="nofollow" a href="" rel="nofollow" hope this helps. I would recommend you take a trip to Clifden, & to the little place called Cleggan, there you can take a boat to Inisboffin, it is off the beaten track & lovely, the island is small enough to walk around. Clifden nice to spend a few days in...a href="" rel="nofollow"

Are american express traveller cheques (us dollar) still accepted in the USA?

They are accepted, but not nearly to the extent they were even 20 years ago. And many places that used to sell them here no longer do. You may find it difficult to cash them especially in rural areas.

Pregnant with leg numbness?

I'm 27 weeks pregnant with twins and my right upper leg (thigh) always goes numb. It even happens when I walk. What is this? Should I be concerned? Is there anything I can do about it?

Is Tangier safe for women travellers?

Dress modestly, dont do anything you wouldnt do at home....I mean just follow basic safety precautions. Actually Morocco is alot safer than most places I have visited in the West. Lovely prepared to bargain. Have a nice time.

Will thigh high/ over the knee socks make me look like a slut?

I want to buy thigh high or over the knee socks, but i heard they make girls look slutty. I'm between 5'0 nd 5'1 nd i'm thin. Would these make me look like a slut?

Gyspy and Traveller marriage on tv show?

well it seems the alot of ppl dont like them because ppl think they are thieves liars and crooks , but they are different like anybody else

Would this tack look good on these horses?

I love the tack for Cookie, I think teal or anything even sort of that colour looks great on greys. I don't know about Molly because I don't know what colour she is (the link won't open) but I like the red.

I hate my parents!!!!!!!!!!?

Gilr i hate them to there so unfair to you lets kill them and run to canada.....we could marry mounties and get our own horsies!

What is the maximum sentence for faliure to appeare to court in michigan?

I have a currently have a warrant for my arrest in gladwin michigan for a use of marijuana charge and now live in south cariolina i am wondering if by me failing to appeare to the court dates set up for my warrant because my adress is still in mi and all my mail goes to michigan so im unaware if ive had any court dates but if i did miss court can they tack on extra charges and if so what would be the maximum penelty

Who and what are the Irish Travellers?

I watched this TV show on TLC " My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding" and the Irish Travellers had to be very secretive to other people outside of their community in order to pull off the wedding? Why are some people prejudice towards them?

Would putting self adhesive cork squares on a wood wall damage the wood?

I am redecorating my room and i wanted to put cork squares on my all wood wall so that i could tack fabric and posters to it. Would it damage the wood at all?

When someone brings an animal to a taxidermist to have it mounted, what happens to the skeleton?

When someone brings an animal to a taxidermist to have it mounted, what happens to the skeleton? I ask because as far as I am aware with my rudimentary knowledge of taxidermy, when they mount an animal, they only actually use the skin, which they tack onto some sort of pre-made mold, so what happens to the skeletons?

Tips for painting old walls?

I am a 19 year old college student and I don't have that much experience with painting walls. I am moving into a room in my sorority house and I want to paint the walls a different color. The house is in good condition for what it is since it was built in 1812. My room just happens to have walls that are not the best. There are tiny holes from previous nails and thumb tacks. I just wanted some tips about painting. Do I need to spackle the walls? The room is now purple and I want to paint it hot pink. Do I need to paint the room white first? I need some tips please!

How do you get a horse to stand still?

i'm riding this horse who is green and i guess she never learned to stand still but when i have her all tacked up and enter the arena and stop in the middle to put down my stirrups she just trys to walk off and since i'm holding on the reins trying to halt her she just walks around me cause thats the only place she can go. another example is when i have her on a halter and lead rope and halt her at the cross ties she tries to keep going but since i'm standing still trying to halt her she walks around me and we have to do circles until she finaly stands straight. i'm sorry if im not clear in my description i'll edit if you don't undersstand

Would it be ok to do this just for one show?

i am thinking of switching to hunt seat (i ride saddle seat currently) i have almost everything i have tall boots (that are broken, i put them on consignment but the tack shop can't prove that the zipper got broken on consignment) and i can't get to a shoe repair until monday to see if they will actually fix them, and if they can't i have to drive out to the tack shop where i got them from to send them back to be fixed (my other boot got chewed by my dog so that is how i know that most shoe repairs will not fix them) i might have a saddle that i can borrow every now and then, i just need to get new breeches (my mom dripped bleach on the butt of them while she was washing them so now they have a bleach stain on the butt) and a dicky but i have a coat. but my real question is i have rubber boots that i bought from target a while ago, they are black but have polka dots on them. would it work if i spray painted them black and wore them for one show? or until i get my boots back from the shoe repair? we have possibly 2 shows before fair. and i would hope that i would have them back before fair

How to do/learn barrel racing?

When you're training him, make him canter until about 2 feet before the barrel. Then, make him trot around the barrel. Next make him pick up the canter again, and stop 2 feet before the barrel. Just repeat that for a while. It will teach him to turn sharper.

Can You Name The Brad Pitt Movie?

where he steals a monkey from a pet shop, meets a 1970's time traveller from Scotland, befriends Hitler and punches a mongoose? I think it's from the 80's.

Please help! spots and scabs on near vagina?

I'm 15 years old and I have never had sex or oral sex. A couple of days ago i noticed 2 scabs and spots on my inner thigh near my vagina. What is this and how can I get rid of it?

Why cant i lose my leg/thigh fat?

Ive went thru an entire wrestling season and cant seem to lose ANY of my leg fat, Ive lost all my stomach and abs are starting to show, all together i lost about 30 pounds, My arm muslces are starting to show and everything, but my thighs are fatty. and it makes me mad, all the hard work i put into wreslting and im not getting the results with my thighs i want to have, Im a guy so you can understand why i dont want big thighs. But please someone help

There is a little ball in the left part of my inner thigh?

I would like to know what It is, I need to kinda know I looked it up and I read a few articles some say its a cyst and one said it could be cancer, Please Help?

Why Psiloc world traveller on my E71 Nokia does not work anymore?

I bought that mobile 6 months ago and i am very happy with it, but since 2 weeks now psiloc world traveler stopped working, it just doesn't open it anymore. I didn't buy the extra benefits of it, just that what comes free with the certain program and it is not mentioned anywhere that it was a trial thing.

Help.! I'm only 13 and I have cellulite.!?

I'm only 13 and I have cellulite on the back of my thighs! Please tell me what I can do to get rid of it? Will running help an also thigh workouts and dropping a few pounds cuz I am a bit chubby :( will drinking lots of water help.? It's not MAJOR but it's still there. It's really embarrassing for someone my age please help.!

Help with figuring out a movie.?

Ok, all i remember is that it deals with some time travel. I think it may be a Disney, but I'm not certain. It's a Live-action movie. The travellers ride in a ship or something that uses up coal and secrects diamonds in which they use to buy a house. If anyoone has any idea of what this movie is called, 1 points for you.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Is it true that Kerala is Unsafe for Women?

Recently within the last one year noticed lot of incidents in public transport like Rail, Bus and Autorickshaw, that women are being abused in these public places in Kerala. A women travelling in a train during daytime was killed when a handicapped beggar pounced on her inside the train. The helpless women jumped from the train, followed by the attacker, who tried to rape her on the railway tracks and she died fighting him and died. Strangely enough the onlookers and the co-passengers inside the train did nothing to save her!. Read lot of such reports about rising crime againt women in public places in Kerala, So the question is how safe is Kerala for Women travellers ?

Horse summer camp activities?

Does anybody know of any horse related activities for a summer camp with kids ages 7-12 and mostly beginners off the horse? I have some already such as horse's body, making treats, grooming, tacking, leading. I thought of maybe basic first aide but I don't know how I could teach that if the horsesaren'tt hurt

What should i do, i like this girl, but am embarrassed to go out with her?

get her, bed her, and rub it in their faces when you're out with the girl you like and they're bored on friday nights having to resort to pot, cereal, and a circle jerk for entertainment.

Do I need to visit a doctor?

I heard you can get the disease or whatever called tetnus by stepping on like a nail or a tack. Well I just got a splinter in my foot and then when I took it out it started bleeding. Ive had lots of splinters before but they never bled before. Dhoul I see a doctor or am I fine from a splinter??

A list of this you need before get a horse and after?

A wheelbarrow and rake for the manure. Some clean shavings or whatever you want to put in the stall. A helmet? I know western riders usually don't wear helmets but I ride English and Western and I always wear a helmet. I don't care if real cowgirls/boys don't wear them it is safer. I have been bucked off before and my helmet saved my life. I would get one if I were you. I think you have most everything. Maybe a salt block? make sure you put it on the ground of the stall so your horse won't eat it right away. Good luck and have fun with your horse!

Should I rest my muscles if they are sore, or continue working out?

That's how people give up. It hurts because your body isn't used to working out like that. If you let them rest, and wait until they are alright, they'll hurt again once you start.

Improvements for my english descriptive piece?

Alright, this is purely constructive. So, you're sentence fluency isn't the best, and I seriously want to copy this and edit it, but I won't since it's your paper. I would, however, go through and change the first word of every sentence. Never use the same first word more than two times or else the paper gets really repetitive. Also, it's almost too descriptive. Finding the balance between under descriptive and over descriptive isn't too hard, just read over it and only emphasize what's REALLY important to you. Also, it might be because it's not done, but there doesn't seem to be any point. Be sure to find an important element and bring that through. At this point...I'd give you a B, but I'd love to read it when you're done editing! Best of luck!

I was hit with a roman candle will I be okay?

When setting up a roman it was being held upright in a container and after the first shot it fell over at a tilt and one came flying towards me the fireball hit my thigh not really sure exactly where it blew up but I think it bounced up and blew up next to my ear and my ear starting ringing. It hurt for a second but there are no burns on my thigh. I think my ear stopped ringing now I'm worried that I may have damaged my hearing? WIll my ear be okay? ever experienced something like this?

How can I lose belly and thigh fat fast?

sorry to tell you but if your not gonna put in the work, you wont see the results plain and simple. good luck.

Who are more tolerant liberals or conservatives?

I used to think liberals were the more tolerant political group, and I suppose on the surface they appear that way... but when you really get down to brass tacks, if you disagree with anything the liberals say the will turn to venomous savages in an attempt to have their way. Conservatives might be still opposed to what you say but they at least have class.

What are these Mosquito bite looking bumps?

O gotta say when I read it j thought chigger. Maybe u had an allergic reaction to something. Animals maybe. Love ur screen name

Why would my arrow of light(old) randomly fall?

I was just trying to sleep then boom! Bang loud noises and **** happen! In like what the ****!!! Ran diff out of bed and turn on the light scared as he'll. But before it happend I noticed my cat kindof staring in it's direction of the room.. It was hung up by thumb tacks which are strong. Can anyone tell me what has happend? I know it sound weird..

Easy tips to lose weight?

I am trying to lose 10 pounds + over the summer, i am currently 5''4 1/2- 5''5, weighting 130, i want to get it to 120 or less. I have a lot of belly fat, if I hula hoop 30 mins a day till the end of July, will I get a toned flat belly? I also wanted some tips on losing weight, like those little tips that are sneaky and all that :) Lastly, what are some reps I can do to trim down my thighs, butt and legs?

Is 22" a fat waist at 14?

Your body is probably just getting used to puberty, youll level out. more importantly you should be eating the right things in the right amount.

Travelling solo in China for the first time!?

Spray Paint on the Wall and have Americans cry and complain for your release like that idiot who did that in Singapore.

I'm budgeting, i need to make sure i'm not missing anything on this list?

Well you forgot hoof trimming, wich is about 20-30$. A 50-pound bag of Blue Seal Pacer usually costs between $7.50 to $8.00, so let's assume a low cost of $7.50. If your horse remains perfectly healthy then yearly vet expenses will generally run you around $300.00 for immunizations, the vet call fee, teeth floating, etc. That's not too bad all things considered, but if your horse colics or falls ill then you can quickly see medical fees in excess of $500.00 or $1,000.00 just for that one isolated incident. I dont know exactly how much hock injections and teeth floating are but they are probably included in the price.a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Is a great site to find out how much money you will need on average for a horse.

Can I find pokemon in Bali?

You could check at Kidz Station store at Centro Mall or Mall Bali Galleria Mall, i'm not sure but maybe they have, good luck ^_^

Girls would you be okay with a guy friend of yours touching you too much?

I'm a 16 year old guy, she's a 15 year old girl. I wouldn't mind getting in a relationship with her, but I'd rather not, because it could ruin the friendship afterwards..but I'm a touchy-feely type of guy, so I would like to be touching her a lot, and in my mind, there's nothing wrong with that, I can be touching her, and still not see her as anything more than just a really good, really close friend(which she actually is.) And when I say touch her, I don't actually mean grabbing her butt or breast or anything, just, you know, holding her hand, putting my arm around her shoulders, encourage her to sit on my lap, hugging her(from behind as well), putting my hand on her thigh, or sometimes hips etc. Would it be okay if you was a girl and your best friend(who would have to be a guy)did that to you? And how do I know if she minds?

PLEASE HELP How often should you exercise for circulation on a long flight?

Sleeping woould be fine, but I would get up for ten minutes every two hours and just walk about the plane

Explain dream about Egypt?

Okay, so I had a dream about being in Egypt with my friends back in time and we were those people. Like the pharaoh, high priest, slave, and others. I was a trouble maker traveller. But lots of things happened in dream. Love, gore, war, lots of things. I woke up that morning worried and then a few hours later, I took a nap and the dream continued. What does this mean? I'm not explaining because it's too long. I haven't even study or thought about Egypt at all in 3 weeks.

Thoughts on Time Travel Theory?

I have found the answer to the Hawkins paradox, which gives scientific proof of what your asking, who do I contact. I have found the formula to time and space.

Gimmie some good reads...?

I need some very good books to keep me company. I liked the time traveller's wife but hated my sister's keeper and the memory keeper's daughter . Please give me some books like that with very good plots but not overly descriptive of emotions. Fantasy will be okay but if you do have some recommendations, gimmie original plots which are gripping , not corny ones.

...bad stretch marks at 19...?

well im 19. I use to have an eating disorder and was a size 2 at 5 foot 10. but I gained a lot of weight and am now a size 9-13. and thighs and breast have really bad stretch thighs. butt and breast is where I gained the most weight I have a 30 inch waist. but what are the best ways to get rid of them or at least fade them...please help. I have a party coming up where im going out of state to see family members that I have not seen in a while and one of my outfits for the main day is a lower cut shirt. with one of those longer flowy boho kind of skirts. please help??? its in about 1 month!

Should I get a thoroughbred??? Opinions please!!?

That's such a tempting situation, but you've definitely got valid concerns... Personally, I'd be most worried about a sudden emergency. If your parents wouldn't help out, and you don't have a bunch of money stashed away, you would be stuck in a really bad situation. Have you taken the cost of grain and hay into account too? If you don't already have one, you'd probably want to get a job for the vet, farrier, feed, potential board if you chose the $40-60 a month (what a find, closest barn to me is $1,000), and even save up for potential emergency vet bills... Then a job, school, and regular horse duties seems like a LOT to handle. It's definitely tempting, and maybe you are an amazingly disciplined person with great time management skills, but from an outside view that seems like a pretty challenging situation.

Being plus size,and problems in wearing dress and health concious.?

im a girl 5ft 3 inch and over sized around 80-85 fat portions are my thighs,butt and arms.this makes it really difficult to dress in style be it anythn to wear.once in a while i try the gmc diet and it kinda works.but 4-5kgs is not tht i have to loose...have to loose around 15-20kgs.could anyone help me with a perfect diet for each day ?

Which charles owen helmet is best?

personally... I've always LOVVED hamptons!!! Never outta style! I personally don't like gr8's though...

What is a leather loop for on a crop?

My brother is convinced that the leather loop near the base of the handle on a crop (whip for use on a horse's shoulder and behind your leg) is so that you don't drop it... It's for hanging it up in a tack room, right? It's actually dangerous to have your hand through the loop because it might get caught somewhere on the saddle, and it will restrict your hand movement, and if you fall off you can injure your arm/hand if your hand is through the loop.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Why do Irish traveller girls/gypsy girls dress the way they do?

I wonder this too and I guess it's because they have their own society and that's what is in fashion in their society. They probably look at us and think we dress horribly too. I live in Ireland and have never actually seen a traveller dressed like this but there you go.

Best way to loose weight on thighs, legs and arms?

i'm quite thin on my belly but my legs, thighs and arms are too big! they're flabby too, so how can i loose weight and tighten them up:) thankyou:')

Sewing felt to stretchy fabric?

I'm trying to make a dance costume by sewing felt shapes onto a unitard. I'm thinking that I should pin the shapes to the unitard while it is being worn (no shapes will go over elbows, knees, or other joints), and then tack on the shapes with a few well placed stitches at the center of each shape to allow for stretching to still occur. Does this plan seem feasible?

Should i Keep my new dressage saddle? ( PLEASE HELP!)?

So the other day me and my mom went to a tack store looking fro just a few things. Instead she bought me a new dressage saddle... it was on scratch and dent sale ( barely had any on it) for 400. It fits my horse, but when i rode in it for the first time it was a bit uncomfortable and my leg kept on getting caught on the flap. i wasnt really looking for a saddlle and i feel bad because i know that we can barely afford it. the store gave us a 7 day trial and im thinking about returning it. i also feel bad because it has been my moms dream since she was a little girl riding to get a dresage saddle.. Help!! im torn!

What do I do??? Is there anything I can do?

Try goling to your local police and explaining it to them. They can probably suggest something you can do. If you have the title to the truck, they may even be able to get it out of storage for you.

Backing tracks without the guitar part?

I need backing tracks without the guitar part so I ca play with the track. I found some tacks without the original artists, and I hated how they sounded, so are there any tracks with original artists?

Doctor Who's Time Lords.?

I am just getting into Dr. Who. I've been doing some research just so I kind of know what's going on. He's the last of the Time Lords. I'm guessing that the Time Lords can travel through time. Even if they are all dead currrently do we ever see any other Time Lords? If they are time travellers it seems as if Dr, Who would still run into them from time to time since they could travel to the future in which they are dead.

What are real Gypsies?

I didnt know they were real until the show my big fat gypsy wedding. What are they? Like what do they believe in? My mom says they steal a lot and are bad people. Do they drink underage? Do they believe in sex before marriage? What are travellers? Im so curious!


My wife does 30 minutes at 50 steps per minute on the stair master she has lost 1/2 an inch on her thighs (from 21 to 20 1/2) and 1/4 inch on her calves (from 14 to 13 3/4) and lost 5 pounds, in 1 year. The previous year she lost 80 pounds.

Canadians, are you a super friendly bunch?

well i've lived here for half my life now so i guess i can answer this question. no, canadians are not friendly but i've never heard anybody say that they are. except for the people from newfoundland, they're a different breed. canadians are reserved and polite, that's what they're known for and that's quite different from being friendly.

I need something to cut with?

first sterilize it give it an alochol bath for an hour. razor. nail. diabities pricks. staples. sharp rock. etc best is a razor

I have a diabetic question if anyone can answer?

I am a new diabetic almost a year and I have to use insulin shot 1 time a day and my upper arms and hip/thigh area feels like hamburger I cringe with every shot doesn't help when I also have a needle phobia.I'm just so sore and sick of shots.Anyways I still stick on everyday alternating areas and no matter the area now I start to bleed from injection site and some of the insulin leaks out.What could cause that and is their a way to ease getting my shots/soreness and stop the bleeding and leaking issue? My doctor hasn't taught me anything in regards to shots good sites how to's nothing so I been flyin blind with the exception I know I have to watch what I eat and drink and watch my numbers that's it.

What should i do, i like this girl, but am embarrassed to go out with her?

Ditch your friends. Theyre not real friends if they don't support your decision 100% no matter what. Or at least be nice to her

My bf and I are so different, does this matter?

so obvious. lure her into a false sense of security, bone her then get out of there. i'm surprised he hasn't already said you are 'beautiful' yet, oh wait.

Girls, how would you feel if a guy friend of yours touched you a lot?

I'm a 16 year old guy, she's a 15 year old girl. I wouldn't mind getting in a relationship with her, but I'd rather not, because it could ruin the friendship afterwards..but I'm a touchy-feely type of guy, so I would like to be touching her a lot, and in my mind, there's nothing wrong with that, I can be touching her, and still not see her as anything more than just a really good, really close friend(which she actually is.) And when I say touch her, I don't actually mean grabbing her butt or breast or anything, just, you know, holding her hand, putting my arm around her shoulders, encourage her to sit on my lap, hugging her(from behind as well), putting my hand on her thigh, or sometimes hips etc. Would it be okay if you was a girl and your best friend(who would have to be a guy)did that to you? And how do I know if she minds?

How can I tone my thighs / stomach ?

ii weiigh 126-129 pounds and I'm either 5'3 or 5'4 I lost like 40 pounds & I wanna wear a bikini. But, my thighs are just a lil jiggly, & my stomach is almost flat but not completely. I wanna know 2 tone them.

My gorgeous gf and my friend are getting close. what to do?

You do nothing. She hasn't done a damn thing wrong. So she's friends with your friend... big freaking deal. I have ton's of guy friends, some I'm very close with....does that mean my husband thinks I'm going to go out and have sex with them?? Hell No !! Grow up dude....or your going to lose her for sure.